Definition of success can be different for different people, to find the ways to success first we will need to define what Success means to us and set goals.

Below are some definition of Success for your reference:

  1. Wealth – Money, Financial Freedom
  2. Health – Healthy life with no sickness, fit body
  3. Career – promotion to a certain position
  4. Happiness- Always happy no matter what happens
  5. Freedom – Freedom in time, Freedom to go anywhere, Freedom to do anything
  6. Family – have time to take care of our family, and spend more time with them
  7. Friends – get to hang out with friends to do what we are happy with
  8. Business – to build a successful business that can solve other people’s pain and problem
  9. Dreams – to fulfill what we always wanted to do

We will let you see some of the famous people thinks what success means to them, and leave it to yourself to see what is success means to you.

Please do read and think deeply

Success is the sum of small efforts,

repeated day in and day out.

 Robert Collier

Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do.

Don’t wish it were easier; wish you were better.” 

 Jim Rohn

Success consists of going from failure

to failure without loss of Enthusiasm

Winston churchill

Success is no accident

It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice,

and most of all,

LOVE of what you are doing


Success is adding value to the world through your unique gifts

Lewis Howes

Success is stumbling from failure to failure

with no loss of enthusiasm

Winston S Churchill

Success is liking yourself,

liking what you do

and liking how you do it

Maya Angelou

People should decide what success means for them,

and not be distracted by accepting other’s definitions of success

Tony Levin

Your true success in life begins

only when you make the commitment to become EXCELLENT

at what you do.

Brian Tracy

You might be also be interested in my other post: Success Quotes for Life